05.assess this, we incubated EV or hHARE cells with an sHA
05.assess this, we incubated EV or hHARE cells with an sHA (80 kDa) preparation that activated NF- B-mediated gene expression or an iHA (560 kDa) preparation that was inactive (Fig.…
05.assess this, we incubated EV or hHARE cells with an sHA (80 kDa) preparation that activated NF- B-mediated gene expression or an iHA (560 kDa) preparation that was inactive (Fig.…
Kemia. 2013 October ; 27(10): . doi:10.1038/leu.2013.151.NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptBcl-xL anti-apoptotic network is dispensable for development and upkeep of CML but is essential for illness…